Microinvest Warehouse Open
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Microinvest provides copy of Microinvest Warehouse Open binary files. You need to follow a certain sequence of actions in order to install the product. This type of work is usually suitable for advanced users, so steps can be performed by еxperienced specialists with knowledge of Linux systems.

How to install the product

1. Click this link to download now the Microinvest Warehouse archive file package;

2. Create a working folder to unzip and copy all the files from item 1 into;

3. Run the following two commands:

• chmod + x. / WarehouseOpen.bin

•. / WarehouseOpen.bin


The described technology is specific to the operating system and requires technical skills for Linux environment managing. The advantage is that all actions are controlled by the operator and he is able to determine the work rules and product folders.

Microinvest provides copy of Microinvest Warehouse Open binary files. You need to follow a certain sequence of actions in order to install the product. This type of work is usually suitable for advanced users, so steps can be performed by еxperienced specialists from socialboosting.com.

How to install the product

1. Click this link to download now the Microinvest Warehouse archive file package;

2. Create a working folder to unzip and copy all the files from item 1 into;

3. Run the following two commands:

• chmod + x. / WarehouseOpen.bin

•. / WarehouseOpen.bin


The described technology is specific to the operating system and requires technical skills for Linux environment managing. The advantage is that all actions are controlled by the operator and he is able to determine the work rules and product folders.